My name is Ash and I am the sole owner, operator & writer at The site first went live at the end of 2014 as I hesitantly made the jump between blogging platforms. Since then, I’ve penned articles here on a semi-regular basis, with the intention of publishing detailed reviews and features without crossing into the territory of news and previews. It’s what I think gives the site a touch of originality, anyway. It’s difficult to stand out beneath a mountain of likeminded sites, but I hope that GAMEBLEED does just enough to have you checking back every now and then.

As I mentioned, everything on the site is an entirely original work written by myself. And if you want to stay up-to-date with the articles that I’m working on & the games that I’m playing, then make sure to check out the social links under the same sub-menu that brought you here.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoy your visit.